The following links are to original works. All Material herein is copyright reserved to the author. Any work that is not exclusively my own has been cited. Works may be reproduced for personal use only. 

Archive policy Archive policy : 1. All works must be kept intact (i.e. title, author, disclaimers, ratings etc.) 2. A link back to my home page must be included in the general vicinity. 3. Send me an email detailing which works are archived and their location.



This includes fan fiction, short fiction and essays.



Self explanatory - Enter at your own risk.



This is a role-playing game that I am developing. It is currently being play tested. This  means that it is subject to change without notice.  Parts of the  system may not yet be available. The world known as Azil is my personal playground.

project currently on hold



my favorite books, fiction and non-fiction. The humble beginning is up.

In Association with

About the Author 

Information about past and current research projects, general interests, and much much more.   


Please leave me feedback. I love to hear comments on my site and my writing.

What's New:

The following is a list of recent additions to our site:  

The news- Currently our well intentioned author is reworking parts of When roses bloom and the story is pulled while said reworking is done. Please send any encouragement you desire to the author via the comments page. We also will be releasing it as a single page with chapter breaks not as multiple parts which means reworking the writing and our system we also are considering both Microsoft reader and PDF formats. New link in the Review page.
We are moving to a new site: Kaskara's new site . This is an administrative decision I as webmaster have made for tool compatibility issues. Please update any bookmarks though the old site will remain with minor adjustments as long as they let it stay.
And last but definately not least in the current changes is just below, The author is owner of a yahoo group dedicated to helping writers like herself work on polishing their dreams and upgrading their dialog, please check it out.

Join the Author

Like to write? Like to edit? Consider joining CSC & Associates. CSC & Associates is a group of writers, editors and beta readers working towards improving our fiction writing & editing skills. Though the moderators lean towards Science Fiction and Fantasy stories any genre is welcome. Writers can submit works to ask for assistance, or browse links to various helpful sites as well as contribute their own advice. Our goal is to help writers create, whether fanfic, short story or novel, we would like to contribute to your sucess.

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Last updated: March 3, 2005.